If there were no men!

This is not to hurt anybody out here. It is just a thought I wanted to share and get your opinions on.

Women tend to fight over money, men, and looks.

In the absence of men, they wouldn't be spending half as much on clothes, and cosmetics. So they would need less money to be happy. Happy individuals make others happy.

Most of the time women fight over men as if they are bidding for them in some auction! (Seriously - women are too smart to show something like that is going on - so they pretend as if they are not interested when they really are and they take pleasure in undermining the efforts of their dear friend/rival).

More often than not, they lose interest in their possession once there is no competition (This is only an observation based on myself and people I came across - not meant to offend anybody who knows what love is all about).

So kill the bait, and what do we have, a confused bunch of women, who don't know what to fight over!

Therefore, I conclude that Eve may have brought Adam to Earth, but Adam ensured/ensures that she/they remains sinful enough not to go back to heaven.


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