Parent Involvement in Schools

I am amazed to see what some parents do to make their children do well in school both in studies and extra curricular activities. There is a fancy dress competition in my daughter's school for lower nursery students and some of the kids including mine have enrolled themselves for that. The other day, when we parents(read mothers) were having a small chat after school, I could sense the mothers present there so tensed as to what their child would wear and how she/he would talk etc. One mother had gone her way out and refused to even tell others(to the point of being rude to others including myself) what her daughter was dressing up as. But she made it a point to ask all the others what they were planning. Finally, anyway, her secret was out and she was so disappointed at the other parent who revealed it!

There was something I noticed in all the mothers present there. They wanted their children not only perform well but to win the competition. That is ok. But they were putting undue stress on the children and the poor kids looked so bewildered as to what the fuss was all about. I am more than happy to let my daughter participate. I know I will enjoy it as well as she. It is an added bonus if she wins, but it does not make any difference to me. For me, participation and enjoying what she does is more important than winning. And as far as the competition is concerned, the kids are three for crying out aloud! I don't know what all the fuss is about, getting all worked up for their kids to win! Or am I the only one who thinks this way? Does it mean I am not competitive enough? Please share your views.

(And today was the preliminary selection and my daughter got selected!)


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