Two of my favorite passions (beside my family) photography and creating wearable-art.

Cobalt Blue Sea Glass Necklace

Yesterday, I responded to a thread in the craft section and one of the FUROM members mentioned that she used to enjoy making and selling crafts, until "life happened" and she got away from doing it.

I have a similar story, both about crafts and life happening...

I used to work at a boutique, where I decorated shirts and sweat shirts and sold them to the tourists. I also made beach-type jewelry that we sold in the boutique. Stuff happened and the owner was forced to give up the boutique and I was forced to find a "real" job. Shortly after, I had my first child and crafting was pushed to the backburner. Life Happened and my crafting, which I really loved to do, was the loser. There was no time for it any longer, as the need for a real 40 hour a week job and my newborn son commanded every moment of my day.

Fast forward about a decade and I found myself knitting scarves for family members as Xmas presents, found people I work with wanting to buy scarves from me and I "got the crafting bug" again.

Since my situation is somewhat different, both of our sons are a bit older and my hubby is very involved in their activities, I found I had the time and energy to go back to crafting and creating.

It's something I really love doing, and while I do sell my creations, it isn't hardly enough to pay all the bills, but it does pay some of them and I'm having a blast creating again. I'm so happy to have the chance to get back to what I loved doing so much!!So, who else had to put something on the backburner because "life happened" and how many have been able to persue their passion once their lives settled down??


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